C2BK – United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child

Some news and support from the USA’s National Association of People Against Bullying:
“It is our understanding that the wise leadership of the Republic of South Africa has signed and ratified the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, thus agreeing to honour, comply with and be bound by it. The CRC of 1989 ensures that all children under the age of eighteen, without discrimination of any sort, are protected from harassment; protected from physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment including sexual abuse or harassment; benefit from special protection measures and assistance; can develop their personalities, abilities and talents to their fullest potential; can grow up in an environment of happiness, love and understanding. All of the nations are required to come before the U.N. In Geneva and report their findings and progress. The U.N. Committee reviews these reports and encourages countries to take special measures and to develop special institutions for the promotion and protection of children’s rights.

To this end, it would appear than any reluctance to allow children to form a collaborative group among themselves for the sole purpose of promoting peace, anti-abuse and anti-harassment would be invalid and in direct opposition to the United Nations Convention.

We look forward to supporting South Africa and its schools, as well as other countries including the USA, to become a more peaceful, nurturing place for our children to learn and grow in harmony, free from the fear of abuse or violence.”
This letter was written to the premier of the Western Cape with regards to starting C2BK cells in our schools: “COOL 2 BE KIND”… A student initiative to start tackling bullying in schools. Let’s support this cause!

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